Launch of an innovative diagnostic service!

La complémentarité de l'ERP et du MES dans le secteur de l'agroalimentaire

Launch of an INNOVATIVE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE The ERELIA company launches its new “E.Diag” service for all French manufacturers of pre-packaged products. The company ERELIA has reached a new milestone after participating in the DGCCRF working group on the Guide des bonnes pratiques concernant le contrôle des produits préemballés. Following a period of testing, this new […]


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BUSINESS ENGINEER M/F Internship – Hiring possible BAC+4/+5 student Champlan, Paris From September 2022 MISSIONS Is your entrepreneurial spirit thirsty for innovation and keen to explore new horizons? Thanks to our start-up spirit, you can take charge of your own project management. We’ll support you with training from our experts. Business Engineers, to master the […]

Metrology and quality of prepackaged product batches: Understanding DGCCRF regulations

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METROLOGY AND QUALITY OF PREPACKAGED PRODUCT BATCHES: UNDERSTANDING THE DGCCRF REGULATIONS According to the French Committee of Weighing Industries (CoFIP), a prepackaged product is “a product […] packaged, outside the presence of the purchaser, in a package of any kind, covering it totally or partially in such a way that the quantity of product contained […]

What are the weight control requirements for prepackaged products?

LIANA mail

WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTROLLING THE WEIGHT OF PREPACKAGED PRODUCTS? According to the decree n°78-166 of January 31, 1978, the producers and packagers of prepackaged products are required to provide, on the average of the lots, the exact quantity indicated on the label. In order to respect this obligation of metrology, it is necessary […]

Improve business process control with automatic connection of measuring instruments

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Improve business process control with automatic connection of measuring instruments The use of measuring instruments is an essential element in business process control. As Erelia offers a system for controlling weight regulations, the company quickly turned its attention to the automatic acquisition of data from scales and other weight-measuring instruments. The extension of our software […]


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METROLOGY AND QUALITY OF PREPACKAGED PRODUCT BATCHES: UNDERSTANDING THE DGCCRF REGULATIONS According to the French Committee of Weighing Industries (CoFIP), a prepackaged product is “a product […] packaged, outside the presence of the purchaser, in a package of any kind, covering it totally or partially in such a way that the quantity of product contained […]


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HALF A CENTURY OF ℮ A little over 50 years ago, on July 26, 1971, the European Union created the “e” symbol in its directive 71/316/EEC. The objective of this directive was to prepare for the harmonization of the laws of the member states in the field of measurement instruments and metrological control. The “e” […]


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DANONE Uses ERELIA TO CONTROL ITS PREPACKAGED PRODUCTS Our collaboration with ERELIA started more than 20 years ago. We have been using the tool for many years. The primary advantage of using ERELIA is the assurance of our compliance with the regulations. The primary advantage of using ERELIA is the assurance of our compliance with […]

Metrology and quality of prepackaged product batches: Understanding the DGCCRF guide

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METROLOGY AND QUALITY of pre-packaged product batches: Understanding THE dgccrf GUIDE According to the Comité Français des Industries du Pesage (CoFIP), a prepackaged is “a product […] packaged, outside the presence of the purchaser, in packaging of any kind, covering it totally or partially in such a way that the quantity of product contained cannot […]


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DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER M/F 6-month internship – Hiring possible BAC+4/+5 student Champlan, Paris From January 2023 MISSIONS As a member of our development team, you will work with a team of experts to enhance your skills in the following areasnew technologies.ERELIA develops software for industrial process control: production monitoring, regulatory control, etc.Featuring a large number of […]